• @ritaleung we haven't gone for honeymoon yet..555..days are pretty boring now, no passion, nothing.
  • Abby : @ritaleung who are u take about? Xiah..Gosh, i almost forget how to spell his name

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  • 2009年11月20日 09时44分来自 贫嘴
  • ritaleung 2009年11月19日 11时59分

    Abby@ritaleung who are u take about? Xiah..Gosh, i almost forget how to spell his name

    i m sort of missing him when i see his pic on my desktop...maybe i just miss the days i fancied him...
    @abbyacc Yep!!!u know me so well...i just wanna Make sentences in english...how r u nowadays??where did u go 4 honeymoon??
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